
I'm Lindsay, and I'm on a mission to help people discover and embrace their most authentic selves.


I'm Lindsay Denton

Hello! I am Lindsay and I've been working with women in the space of personal development and healing for over five years and have undertaken extensive studies. I am certified in Reiki, Crystal Healing, and Women's Group Facilitation. I am a certified Ayurveda Health Coach, Barre Instructor, and am currently working toward my Diploma in Health Sciences (Nutrition).

I have combined all these modalities to create a holistic wellbeing curriculum that empowers people to understand and prioritise their health and purpose.


My Story

I know what it’s like to feel disconnected from yourself. I used to be a chronic high-achiever, so caught up in my head that I wasn’t able to be in touch with my intuition, desires, or who I truly was. I didn’t know what FELT right and good for me because I was too busy trying to live up to who I thought I had to be or the life I thought I had to be living for myself. I would get lost in my thoughts and it resulted in me having no idea what I liked, what I wanted or what my purpose was. This ultimately caused me to be uncertain as to how I wanted to spend my time or what I wanted to do for my career.

Implementing various practices, rituals and exercises helped me release trapped energy in my body that was caused by traumas i’ve experienced throughout my lifetime, and the result has been that I now only say yes to things that feel right to me. By committing to my own personal growth and healing journey, I am now able to make decisions from a space of clarity because I now know who I am, what my preferences are, and what I want out of life. Over time, I was able to dig myself out of this space of uncertainty and disconnect, and now I have dedicated myself to helping others do the same.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to help women connect to their own innate power source and thrive, physically, emotionally, and energetically. In a world that can be saturated by external noise and busyness, we ask you to slow down and regain your sense of self: your values, your health, and your purpose.

By becoming more in tune with, and improving all aspects of self: mind, body, and spirit, you can create a fulfilling and meaningful life – that is what Dynamic Wellness Method aims to cultivate.


Wellbeing Tips Delivered Straight to Your Inbox

In a world saturated by noise and busyness, we're here to remind you to take a moment to slow down and take in something that will help improve your life.

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